Effective Immediately!
I know we have discussed this issue in the past. However, due to recent developments and the inability of certain members to adhere to the originally stated diaper changing protocol, changes to the procedures are being made.
Please make note of the new standards regarding diaper changes. These will be implemented immediately. Your cooperation is expected and appreciated.
1. No shows of righteous indignation. I did not stink up your pants at the exact moment we put on your shoes and stepped into the yard for a play. You did. So the running, screaming, and kicking is completely unwarranted. These behaviors will only be expected and tolerated when I actually am guilty of dropping a mad dooce in your pamper and blaming you for it. Until then, I ask that you immediately cease and desist with the desperate shows of violence. The neighbors are staring, and you. Look. Ridiculous.
2. No physical intervention. During the changing of your doocies, you are no longer permitted to take that time to explore your nether regions. I find such behavior annoying, disgusting, and down right embarrassing. And, locating your man parts, giving them a jingle, and then laughing out loud is awkward for me, particularly when you engage in such behavior while lying spread eagle on the changing table at the mall. So, please, stop it.
3. Diaper must remain intact. As you are quite frequently in a hurry to return to whatever mischief you were involved in before I abducted you to perform some basic personal hygiene, I find it counterproductive that you consistently rip the tabs off of the pamper so that I can not attach it. This just causes me to spend additional time locating a replacement. Also, this is a recession, my friend, so I'd appreciate it if we could all be a little less wasteful. Two diapers per change is in no way cost effective. If such behavior continues I will be forced to attach the diaper to your heiney with duct tape, and I don't think that will be a hit with the 2 and under set.
4. Toy assault is prohibited. I give you the toy so that you may be entertained (and distracted) while I do my booty duty. I find it highly offensive that you feel the need throw it in my face, beat me with it, or use it as an assault weapon in any way. Additionally, it is inappropriate and unhygienic to use the toy in place of your hands as a pleasure item. Rubbing it around "down there" has got to stop. From this point forward, for health reasons, all inanimate objects that come into contact with your man pack during diaper changes will be immediately placed in the sink for sterilization.
5. No reintroduction. Soiled diapers are to remain in whatever waste receptacle I place them in. It is unacceptable to dig them out of the trash, open them, and explore their contents. Furthermore, hiding the contents in your closet so that they may be discovered at a later date is borderline criminal and will not be tolerated in the future.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Currently, I am not at liberty to discuss the consequences for not abiding by these rules. But, let me tell you, Mister, I mean business.
Bwahahahahahaa! You tell 'em girl!
Great Blog,I'm stopping by from MBC 100's. Added you to my blog list :)
Fricking Hilarious!!
I am totally stealing these rules!! LOVE IT!
You are hysterical! I particularly identify with the NO reaching down and playing with the doocie while I'm changing you. That is just a foul thing and both my girls thought it was hilarious.
Love it!
I love your site!!! I have chosen you to receive the Zombie Chicken award! You can come to my site to pick it up. www.parentingbygoogle.com
The Zombie Chicken Award reads:"The blogger who receives this award believes in the Tao of the zombie chicken - excellence, grace and persistence in all situations, even in the midst of a zombie apocalypse. These amazing bloggers regularly produce content so remarkable that their readers would brave a raving pack of zombie chickens just to be able to read their inspiring words. As a recipient of this world-renowned award, you now have the task of passing it on to at least 5 other worthy bloggers. Do not risk the wrath of the zombie chickens by choosing unwisely or not choosing at all…
OMG!! Funniest post EVER!! And, this is what I have to look forward to with my 4 month old son?!?!
Oh, thank God! I'm not alone! I have had to institute a 'hands up!' policy during diaper changes or my son will explore his man grapes the *whole* time! Great/hilarious post!
I'm following you from the MBC Under 100 Club. I love your blog!
PS - I dropped you an award over at my site. Go pick it up!
#2 killed me! I only have girls so I didn't get the pleasure of dealing with this, but I can see where it might get old :)
I have to second KBexclamationpoint - #2 is HILARIOUS. Hard to imagine, but sooo funny.
LOL I have this great ankle-grab technique that I can actually flip the child back on his back when he rolls to make his get-away. And where's the rule where they can't take off their diaper and run nakes, peeing over everything? Or did I miss it?
I've abandoned rules re: nakedness. It is permitted since I'm convinced that I am living in a nudist colony.
Now that is a banner even Mimi can love.
So funny! My particular favs: the phrase booty duty,and "the neighbors are staring and you. look. ridiculous."
hee heee
That is great! At this moment I am thanking my stars that I have girls.
Absolutely Hilarious! I am so there with my 2 year old! #2 is so hilarious and I see it so often.. but when I read it.. I was picturing it and laughed so much that I had tears in my eyes.. I just needed this laugh. Thanks.
Hahaha! Priceless!
Is this what I am in for? HA!
"Booty duty." - love it, mind if I borrow it?
OMG! Too frickin' hilarious!
Stopping By From SITS. I hate to say, I feel ya. Boy do I feel ya. I came out to the Living room to find my son dangling his sisters cabage patch rattle from his little wanger! WTH is with that? Good Lord are they born with it burned in their brains that it is a good thing to hang stuff from it? See how much it can hold? sheesh. I just dont know. Congrats on FB!
I remember those days. Thank goodness my son is out of diapers . . . about 11 years out of diapers, but those are memories that stick with you!
Thank you, thank you, thank you! That is all I have to say! It's sad that this really couldn't be further from the truth. The jiggling things around...yeah, I'm over that too. It's not so funny anymore and we all know it's called a Pee-Pee. Let's just leave it alone. One of the greatest posts I have read in awhile!
too funny! Stopping by from SITS! :)
Very Funny! The jiggling bit some don't stop even when they're all grown up! Its up to the mum's of the world to right this habit there on the changing table
That's awesome! Again, our Baby Bug is guilty too. She's just discovered how to take her diaper off and pee in/under/behind things.
Fun fun!
Hysterical...I'm with those "I remember those day posters" and am so glad they are finished. :-)
Stopping by from SITS!
ahahaha. love it. gonna add you for sure. happy FB day.
im new & lookin for blog buddies. follow me & ill follow you. im loving the SITStah hood!
ROTFL! Classic. Now, think about me, doing this with TWO BABIES on the changing mat.....yup, I learned my leasson pretty quickly...*L*
That was hilarious. I'm going to hang onto this and post it in my son's nursery when he gets bigger so he understands the rules. :)
I'm a nanny and the 2 yr old went through a phase of taking off her diaper at naptime and leaving "presents" in her crib. We took to duct taping her diaper on. Seriously.
So funny... and true! Just got one out of diapers and can't wait to begin again!
lol - hysterical. thanks.
happy sits day!
the joys of diaper changes & by joys I mean anything but.
Oh my goodnes, you've found dirty diapers hidden in the closet! I would have suspected my husband.
Don't forget every baby boy's great trick, peeing while the diaper's being changed.
LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!
(and so glad after three kids I'm DONE with diapers!!!)
Glad you can keep your sense of humor while doing the pulling diaper doo-dy! Happy SITS!
OMG - this cracked me up! I am loving your sense of humor!
You tell em!!
OMW...that is too much!! I think I would freak out if I found a dirty diaper in the closet. I have no sense of smell (none!), so it might be awhile before I found it. ;)
OMG! #2! My son is only 9 months old and already we are fighting this battle!
Such a funny post about a topic I usually do not find funny!
P.S. We won't have the tab tearing problem because we cloth diaper and if he is strong enough to tear THOSE tabs off, then he better not be in diapers anymore!
Beyond funny! You've captured the little details of "kiddie" reality just perfectly :)
Thanks for reminding how glad I am that these days are over.
Hilarious!!!!!! I love your blog, you are too funny!!! I was laughing out loud at my desk!
Very funny!
Happy SITS day!
B x
Very, very funny!
Funny! I am so glad we are almost potty trained and only use diapers at night now. Maybe now I can grow some nails!
Yeah...I have a two year old who loves his diaper off. and he likes to jiggle his tee-tee and say look momma. He is sooo proud! Hilarious post!!!
You are too funny!
You seriously SLAY me. Seriously!
Happy SITS day to you!
No diapers needed at my house anymore Yeah!!
I'm going to implement these rules, stat!
I SO LOVE IT when I read about mothers with boys who do the same thing my little man does. What is it with the nether regions????
vThis is too funny...
vThis is too funny...
Can i just say that I am so happy that we are done with the diaper stage?!
Too funny!
LOL! This is too funny! Gotta love those baby boys! BTW your boys are gorgeos!
I'm in agreement -- totally! Especially on #4&5 ... don't kids get it?! Sheesh! Enjoy your day in the SITS spotlight today.
LMAO!! Now if only the babies understood.
You are so funny! I love it... if only it weren't true. Well, at least the memo is out, right? Hopefully said actions will stop and adherence to the menu will begin soon.
Another hilarious post, I love it...although I have girls so I might have to change up the rules a bit, tee hee. Happy SITS day!
Jamie :)
Oh whoa.....Yikes! :-)
I am so glad my diapering days are long gone.
If my son could read, I'd be posting these on his wall!!! Too funny
OMG Hilarious I need to print this and post it on my wall. LOL great post.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this!! Fantastic stuff, Lady!!
sits friend again...
again.. not right.
can we all discuss this?
I bow down at your awesomeness.
Can you please put these rules into contract form for my little one to sign in her own poop? Thanks.
BlogBaby's BabyMama
Good times. Happy SITS day!
If only they'd listen!
I love this!
Happy SITS day.
Makes me glad I'm a goat.
Haha! I love it!
Have a wonderful SITS day full of pleasant diaper experiences! :)
I am so with you on these, especially the jiggling of the man parts and laughing. Happy SITS day!
LOL! This should be posted above changing tables everywhere!
I actually used to use duct tape. You are so funny!!
That is one of the funnies posts I've read! I actually laughed out loud!! Love it!
Rofl- I am so there with you.
Funny and gross. Doesn't get much better. I suggest you start a manual for new parents, impart a little wisdom to the newbies.
Love it! Now if only they would cooperate!
You are hilarious!!
Oh Bravo! Perfect
Congrats on being the SITS FB! And this is hilarious. Especially the playing with the parts, part. That's so embarrassing but it makes me giggle which makes me even more embarrassed....sigh.
Hysterical! Boys, whatta ya gonna do? :)
Visiting from SITS! I am so there with you. Why does diaper changing time always have to turn into a wrestling match?
Oh how HAPPY I am that there are NO MORE diaper days in my life.
This was pretty funny!
I also get to change at toddler male daily.
It can be quite an adventure.
I'm a little frightened right now.
Too funny....almost done with diapers here and so not going to miss them!
This is awesome! LOL Oh boy, I will remember this every time I change a diaper from now on.....:) It's so true, though! Everyone one of the rules on your list, I can totally relate to....LOL
Oh no! He didn't do all of that? You are a saint...
OMG! SO FUNNY! LOL! I can definitely relate to #1, 2, and 4, but not 3 or 5 yet... Hopefully I won't have to deal with those ever! 1, 2 and 4 are bad enough! Thanx for the laugh! :)
Okay -- so never been there, done that...but is still funny even to a "puppy mom" and "step mom" that never had to change a diaper in her life!
I swear that ALWAYS happens...you get them dressed and ready to leave and.......
*Sigh* This is too funny!
I am now on Round 4 of diaper changing. My 2 girls are grown, and now have 2 grandkids. Getting used to diapering using elbows & knees again - I only have 2 hands!
Happy SITS day!
HA!!! I love it! And totally relate.
girl you are cracking me up! I love it! Happy SITS Day!!
Do these rules apply to grandpa also?
OMG! This is awesome!! I'm going to share your link with my mommy friends so they can laugh too. Great blog!!
Happy SITS day!
lol!! you are too funny..
you should sell framed copies of this post to decorate changing tables across the world with! LOVE IT! I'd buy one.
The kicking is my favorite part. Ah ha. Happy SITS day!
OH SO TRUE! Great post.. happy sits day:)
that is hysterical and sadly all too true. Hurry up and potty train already, am I right? *LOL*
happy sits day!
Wow...he sure sounds fun. ;)
I wish I could say that the jingling of man parts abates with time, but my almost four-year-old routinely asks for "nakey time," which can be directly translated to "play with my junk relentlessly" time.
(It appears you have two older boys as well. So you probably already know this.)
Ah! The joys of changing boys diapers! Girls will wrestle you and try to get up, but at least they don't go grabbing down there and don't pee on you. Though my youngest seems to pee every time I let her go one second w/o a diaper. Then she looks around and down at like it is the most fascinating thing to ever happen.
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