The £100,000 (about $200,000) white wedding for the 16-year-old girl who lives in a caravan
I'm sure this is some cultural tradition that I am too ignorant to comprehend.
Or, maybe I am just an old, nerdy chick who is too outta the loop to know what is "cool" with teens of today.
Either way, I'm gonna show you an example of why I am glad that I have only sons (and why I am glad to not be a Traveller).
So, enjoy.
And, if any of you plan on giving your sixteen year old a wedding like this, please invite me because I am dying to be a guest at a whiskey tango affair of this magnitude.
So. Awesome.
10 months ago
Wow...that That's a very bad wow by the way. An OMG I can't believe she actually thought that dress was pretty, wow.
What a way to wake up...
In that first pic she looks in her 40s. Ack, that dress is... well, I don't even have words for it. And the dad is just clinging on to some mystery dangling arm in that last photo. Odd.
omg the bridesmaid is in her bra!! It's like a stag do and a wedding rolled into one! Pass the tacky please!
Now that's just F'ing nuts on so many levels. Geez.
Glad to see I can stop feeling guilty for not planning a Super Sweet 16 (let alone a teen wedding)for my dudes. Looks like I'm not the only one actively avoiding the crazy!
There are actually people out in the world like that? Nutjobs! And as I say this, please extend pity to me because my SIL is getting married in May and Indian Weddings last 3 days. You are expected to feed hundreds of people for 3 days. In a sari. Fuggedabout it.
That is insane. Why??
I wonder if mom and daughter got matching boob-jobs?
Did someone say boob job? Would love one. Not that mine are not fat enough already, I'd just like them restored to their prebaby position on my body. The only bene right now is they sorta hide my baby belly a bit:) Just inspired a post!
Aaaaah... makes me proud to be British - NOT! ;o)
Umm...girl, I've totally beaten you to the booby post. I came up with all kinds of reasons of how useful saggy boobs can be!
You won't believe the hits I get for 'saggy boobs' LMAO!!!
WTH is right! This may be in poor taste, but doesn't she look like a grown up Jean Bonet Ramsey? Maybe living in caravans is a trend over there. Maybe that's what they do to save up enough money to pay for lavish weddings for children.
Hi there, coming from the 100's club to follow:)
Um, I think this is one of the things wrong with society. And at a Catholic Church? The priests I have known would have taken one look at the dress and demand she put something decent on.
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