I know, you all are dying to hear about the big trip to Vegas for SITScation.
And, you know I'm dying to spill.
But, it was a long weekend.
And, lots of stuff happened.
I didn't just party with Justin Timberlake and Timbaland (JT is H-A-U-T-E!).
I didn't just fall head over heels into my first girl crush (Ciara is so beautiful in person I'm not sure she's even human & if JT isn't "interacting" with that then he is crazy!).
I didn't just meet some of the most amazingly funny, insanely gorgeous, unbelievably smart, friendly, and sweet bloggers on the planet.
There was inspiration in the form of Ms. Sugar Jones from Sugar in the Raw. She encouraged us women to become more positive, thoughtful bloggers.
There was innovation in the form of Ms. Keep it Classy herself, Jen Hinton, queen of vlogging.
There was business knowledge provided by Ms. Alli Worthington, publisher of Blissfully Domestic.
There was a huge story of unbelievably success in the form of Renee J. Ross, creator of the hugely successful site, Cutie Booty Cakes.
And, as I mentioned before, there were superstars!
And, by superstars of course I mean me!
It was like a parenting BY dummies feeding frenzy; they all wanted to have their pictures taken with me!
And, really who am I to turn away a devoted fan (read: I'm such a blog stalking loser I insisted on having my image made with each of these people so that I can put them in my special-people-I-love-nearly-as-much-as-JT-and-Ciara book that I keep by my bed).
So, I got shots with everyone.
Alicia, from It Ain't Easy Being Cheesy and, my personal fave, BFF, aka Tub of Lard (which is so the misnomer), from Too Fatties...
Rhonda, from Days of Whine and Noses...
Kristi, from Orange Juice...
Renee, from Cutie Booty Cakes...
Kat, from Mamma's Losin' It...
Angie, from 7 Clown Circus...
Michael Jackson...
And so many others whose drunk pictures (or, more likely mine) were not appropriate for your consumption.
So, go ahead, check these ladies out if you haven't already.
They are all witty, and funny, and smart, and, obviously, beautiful blogging queens.
I'll be back to fill you in on the whole Justin-Timberlake-fell-in-love-with-me-and-is-scouring-the-country-looking-for-the-girl-who-caught-his-eye story ASAP!
11 months ago
The line to get my picture with you was a bit long........I almost didn't wait, but then I thought, "I must". This is Parenting by Dummies we are talking about. Totally worth it. :)
Looks like a good time. After reading about this blogging conference I really wish I could have gone. Maybe next year?
It was a great time! Great to meet you...and I can't wait to hear the JT story!
Look at you Ms. Hot Thang herself. And OMG, is Kat like 6ft tall?!
Looks like fun! :)
Ahhhhh, isn't Justin like totally THE BEST!!!
And hey, why didn't we meet woman?!?
I am so excited to check out these ladies! Thanks for the links and the cute pics!
Did you throw some panties at JT for me?
You're so freakn cute! lol In your Michael Jackson pic, you kinda look like Ashanti :o)
You look great in all those pictures! Sounds like a wonderful time. Can't wait to hear more stories.
Looks and sounds like a great time!
whoop whoop! seriously you were amazing! i loved you before but now i totally LOVE you!! and that pesky paparazzi....whats a girl gotta do to get a little privacy! so glad you had fun with JT....and slightly jealous too! i can't wait to hear about your love affair with him!
DAMN I missed MJ!
Was awesome meeting u. I can't get over how cute u are with such a big personality! & I SWEAR u would have recognized me if I lost another 10lbs, dyed my hair back blonde, wore my contacts & didn't have a massive breakout the day BEFORE! U know, if the planets where all in line.
I think u two partied the right way in Vegas.
Also jealous. Didn't think I was blogger enough to justify the trip this year. Perhaps next year, amidst diapers and spit up, I'll escape for a weekend. You just never know. Waiting to hear more details!
All those pictures make my heart swell- and the thought of you with JT makes my envy swell.
It was so nice to sit by you at lunch- I am planning on seeing you again in MD!
Oh- I linked your post up over at SITScation.com
Looks like you all had a blast. I had just started blogging when I twas already full. LOL I want to go next year though.
I'm anxious to read about what everyone learned.
Still reeling that I didn't get to droll over JT, but that's ok. I'm slowly coming to terms with it. It was so much fun meeting you and I must say I hope we get to do it again in the future. The whole time I was watching the Lion King, I was thinking about you and Justin!
I'm glad you had fun! Looks like some very nice bloggers went!
I wish he had hung out more! I'm so glad I got the opportunity to meet the dummy behind the parenting! SO much fun...but I'm still mad you I didn't go see JT with you. Love him!
So bummed I wasn't there. Seems like you managed to have fun without me, though I'm not sure how!
It was so awesome to meet you! Too bad I was nervous as hell and couldn't get past my shyness! LOL!
looks like you had a great time! you are so funny! Just saying hi!!
Um, why didn't I see Michael at SITScation? I swear you have all the luck, Amanda!
Even though our encounter was short, it was my extreme pleasure to make your acquaintance. You rock in real life as much as you do on your blog.
I an so glad you enjoyed your weekend...I did too! Some of the most amazing people in one room!!
I'm feeling sad because I was too shy to line up and get my pictures with everyone, but I did have a fabulous time! Great to meet you two.
i am in love ... your blog is awesome ....
just got your JT comment via email...lol...too funny...you are a fan of bribes...right... although if I had a ticket, I would have to fight ya for it, i have a crush on JT myself!
(the comment from Morris was posted by me under my hubbys account by accident..oops!)
i do heart your blog ... you are a riot!
You got to see JT and I got Kim Kardashian. No fair! SITScation rocked!
Dag nabbit! Every time I saw you, I thought, I HAVE to go over and meet Amanda already, but then never had the chance to really properly say hello - I am so sorry about that! If I ever find myself within 1000 feet of you again, I will not miss that chance!
Still....wasn't Vegas the awesome?
I'm in the shower today thinking of who I still need to catch up on, and then I remember your Vegas trip. And this is what I get? Oh, there better be more.
I love the pics. It's so nice that MJ can still find the time to pose with fans.
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