Before I get into today's topic, lemme announce the winner of the personalized stationary from Duck Duck Goose Designs...drum roll...Clueless Mama from Guessing All The Way!
I'll have my people call your people to work it out:).
Now, on to today's topic: cloth diapering.
I've decided to give it a go with #3.
Despite the fact that he recently celebrated his 18 month day, I still feel that he is about a year shy of being fully potty trained (give it a rest Mimi, it ain't happening).
And, since he has a number of issues (discussed in detail here) regarding bodily functions and the havoc they reek on his person, I've decided that cloth (at least while we're at home) is the way to go.
I can't say that I am a 100% cloth diapering mom. I'm just not about carrying around diarrhea stank bundles of evil when we are on the run.
But, we have (and by we I mean me b/c Dumb Dad has essentially refused to be involved in cloth diapering, he just doesn't know how to handle a feces stained rag that can't be thrown away) decided to use cloth when we are home during the day and at night when we are centrally located around a toilet, a sink, and a diaper pail (necessities for the cloth diaperer).
I have to say that I'm finding them quite pleasurable (as much as possible considering the subject).
They are saving us money.
They are equally as absorbent as disposable ones.
And, best part, he hasn't had diaper rash since we began this whole journey.
Not to mention they are cute as heck!
My only complaint is that using this method of baby poop collection does require a larger time and effort commitment from me, which I am generally wholeheartedly against (anything that increases my workload is usually vetoed), but since there are so many other benefits to this that outweigh my loathing of doing laundry, I've decided to stick it out for the time being.
So here is part one of my cloth diaper review for any of you that are thinking about going this route. I had the pleasure of trying numerous different brands of cloth diapers (Bum Genius, Fuzzi Bunz, G-Diapers), including one from an very sweet and talented Etsy seller whose product will be reviewed in the next segment.
The first diaper we tried was the Fuzzi Bunz, One Size Diaper.
It is cute, functional, absorbent, and easy to use.
See? Cute, right?
It has a snap on outer, water proof cover, an inner fleece liner, and an absorbent insert slipped between the two to soak up extra wetness and ick.
You'd be amazed at how well these things work when it comes to soaking up the pee and keeping it away from baby's skin.
The first time #3 wore it I (Dumb Mom that I am) left it on him for like 6 hours because I kept sneaking my finger in to check if it was wet and I didn't feel anything.
I thought, hmmm, this is odd, baby seems dehydrated or something, it's been hours since he's taken a pee.
Little did I know that Fuzzi Bunz was working over time to keep him comfy.
Finally figured it out when he removed it himself and brought it to me. Nice.
They worked perfectly during the night as well; no leaking, seeping, oozing, or losing.
My only beef is that you have to wash the entire thing every time he does the nasty in it which I'm totally opposed to (me being lazy and all).
Plus, it's kinda bulky. Bulky in a cute, badooka-booty-baby sorta way, which I happen to like. Works fine during the summer (we like to rock them sans pants since their thickness makes me hot just looking at them), but a little concerned about how it will fit when he has to get all dolled up for the winter.
Check them out here.
And, you can see what a more informed and committed cloth diapering momma has to say about it here.
Happy diapering peeps!
*Please note, the crap catchers being reviewed were all provided to PBD free of charge in order for me to conduct my reviews (except the G-Diapers, I won those!). I did not receive any additional monetary support from the suppliers and they didn't tell me what to say. This is all me, baby!
11 months ago
I like big padded baby booty too!
We're a bumGenius family all the way!! Love that you're giving it a go with #3.
My mother wanted me to use cloth diapers so bad, but being the lazy mom that I am I just couldn't do it.
No way in heck. Not gonna do it. But I use the triplet excuse. Wouldn't save me money cause I'd have to buy 800 of them and do 80 loads of laundry a day. No thanks! Good for you tho.
Hello from another cloth diapering mommy!
So glad to hear you decided to give them a go with #3.
We decided to go with cloth when my baby was born and have LOVED it - really easy when you get into the routine, saved us a fortune and look unbelievably cute. Not one for martyr mothering I've always fallen back on disposibles the odd week when I've fallen behind on the laundry or was ill or on holiday and the ONLY time Kai's had nappy rash has been in those weeks.
At 12 months old my boy has just outgrown his terry prefolds so for his birthday we bought a stash of fuzzibunz in rainbow colours and they're fantastic - absolutely can't fault them. Super absorbant, they dry fast (well the outer's do anyway - buy double number of inserts then it doesn't matter if these take a bit longer to dry), fit well and not too bulky (although I do love the big booty look!). Perfect toddler nappies too as the poppers mean they're quick to get on and off babies on the move.
Can definitely recommend them!
PS. Some photos of my Kai in his funky threads on my blog for anyone who wants to see what they look like on.
I totally was looking for something like that when I wanted diaper pics of the dude and not ones with characters all over his bootie!
I so admire your courage ... I myself haven't been brave enough to attempt it. :( *slaps self on wrist*
I can't believe how cloth diapers have evolved. It's miraculous, really. When my #1 was born, cloth diapers were still like they were in the 70's. Not worth it. Sounds like they are working out really well for you. When you say wash the whole diaper, does that mean you like rinse it in the toilet and then wash in your washing machine? Or does a diaper service wash them for you? Seriously. I have to know the logistics and how it works these days. :)
Ahhh, so nice to find another cloth diapering mama! We use BumGenius One-Size around these parts, but I just ordered a set of Gro Baby's since Alexa has grown out of her preemie size AIO BG's :-)
Giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirl...I need you to slap me! I've been missing out on your awesome writing!
I put you on my must read list (which I thought you were already on!) or I forget to read sometimes...
Anyway.. Miss you! LOL
I love hearing about the CD adventure! ;)
OH! PS I left you an award on my blog
I absolutely LURVE cloth diapers. I used them on my little Lorelli. I started with kissaluvs size 0 and I was lucky enough for her not to our grow those until she was approx 9 months old. We also had a couple AIO cloth diapers but I was not a big fan of those as they took WAAAAY long to dry. But her daddy loved them as he did not have to worry about making sure the inserts were perfect or making sure that the diaper cover completely covered her "little" patootie. When she got into the bigger sizes I definitely used the fuzzibunz. They are so easy and so soft and so perfect. They do make little liners that go in the diapers though...just in case of poopy times
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