Not a daycare center! I know I said that I wasn't going to post so much, but this one can not be avoided. Let me just say that even I, dumb mommy extraordinaire, was able to spot the lunacy of this fellow mommy. As someone prone to making numerous dumb mistakes when it comes to child rearing, I try to refrain from passing judgements on others who find themselves thrown under the bus by the little people who rule their lives. Okay, I pass judgement (I'm human), but I usually do my best to only share my cruelest remarks on the negligent breeders of the world with Mimi and BFF who are used to my evil rantings and know that despite my ability to cast aspersions, remarkably accurate though they may be, on various unsuspecting mommies (actually anyone who sucks) I really am a pretty nice gal; at least I intend to be, I think. Anyway, point is that I am notorious for biting my tongue in the presence of ignorance and while this instance is no difference (I was visibly horrified, but verbally mute) I did find this incident worthy of public notification by way of blog. So, here goes.
As previously mentioned, the library is not a daycare center. Far from it, actually. In my experience the library, when it comes to the preschool set, is a place to familiarize your child to the awesome and useful items known as books. It is to be shared WITH you child so that they gain an appreciation for the written word and how it can be a part of your life. Right? Most community libraries have a children's department featuring decor, furniture, and multimedia dedicated to the interests of children. Some libraries, like mine, also feature a limited number of children's toys and puzzles as well to be enjoyed independently by older children and with parental supervision by younger ones. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong.
What the library is not however, is a place where you unleash the wrath of a seemingly possessed miniature hellion who has no ability to share, on unsuspecting mothers and their moderately well behaved children. It is not a place meant for a wild eyed three year old diva to scream at the top of her lungs declaring that not only are all of the books hers, but she is also in supreme command of the toys, puzzles, and games as well. And, I see no place in the library for said 3 year old to push, snatch, and grab at the other visiting small people while knowingly ignoring the requests of other mommies that she stop. I'm sure we have all been in a situation in which our own little monster, I mean child, has unleashed some ugly on the innocent bystanders while at a play date, party, etc. You all know I've been there. But, what sent me over the edge on this one is that Little Miss Manners' mommy was no where to be found. At one point the girl was banging on the window yelling for her mom to not leave her (mom went to her car). Finally after a good 20 minutes of torture, the mom showed up, stack of books in hand, and asks : "Is she hurting anyone?" WHAT? You were aware that Veruca Salt had social interaction issues, yet you thought you'd peruse the new adult fiction titles instead of watch her? This is the part where I stood, visibly horrified, unable to utter a word. A much more eloquent mom informed Mom of the Year that Crazy Pants was "having a hard time sharing" to which Mommy Dearest replied, "share, share" and then quickly fled from the scene. I'm a huge proponent of "acting like I don't know them", but this display was little much. And for the obviously unobservant (I was actually reading to #2 & #3) mom who asked if Looney Tooney was mine, let me just say, um... hell no!
I'm sure all of you nicer, smarter, more understanding and altruistic moms out there are reading this feeling sorry for little Naughty McNaughty, and I tried that at first. So, if you need someone to feel sorry for think about #3 who she whacked in the head with a rocking chair simply because he thought he'd pick up a book from the neighboring table, he's visibly bruised.
1 year ago
Seriously! Holy crap! That's definitely one for the record books.
I know I was flabbergasted as it transpired before my eyes. Would've left but was waiting for my older son to finish his class.
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