He was excited to start...
He's been exhibiting some textbook ready-to-potty-train characteristics: staying dry long periods, noticing when he's doing his business, following instructions well (at least when he feels like it), and showing an interest in all things potty (evidenced by his desire to sit on the crapper for 75% of his day).
He really seemed to enjoy it at first...
But, last week's attempts also pointed out a few obstacles we have encountered: he wants to sit but not perform (a classic example of sh** or get off the pot syndrome in action here), he is having a hard time notifying me about action in the "bull pen" before the action officially jumps off (meaning he pees and then sends out the alarm), and he has turned into a bit of a boy-who-cried-Wolf when it comes to announcing his need to use the facility (meaning, he eagerly shouts that he "need-a go potty, Mommy" when he wants to get outta time out, get up from the table, or get my undivided attention) only when we get there, as I mentioned before, nothing.
He's become quite frustrated with his progress to date...
And, to be frank, so have I.
He's starting to find the entire experience harrowing...
And, sad. I think he's a little, okay a lot, fed up with the whole process...
And, since I'm going to Vegas tomorrow anyway, I guess we'll both enjoy a bit of a break from the potty demon and revisit the issue when I return.
I remember these days, it will get easier. But, you will have new obstacles.
neener neener neener all of my are trained.. now the cats, THAT is a different story!!
omg, his expressions are hysterical! You need that trip to Vegas!
I remember really hating that part...
great pictures. we worked on kiddo's potty training for a year and a half. he wanted to go at his own pace. i was trying to get it done, but soon realized he wasn't happy with the potty and i was afraid he would hate it. it took along time and now we deal with bed wetting, but at least he's potty trained during the day. baby steps, right? happy WW and take care.
His faces are too cute! I hated potty training my son. Thanks goodness he is done...finally!
Have a great day!
ROFL! Those are good pics for bribing when he gets older.
I HATE potty training. HATE it.
Those facial expressions are priceless.
Good luck with this. I have one left to train and am not really looking forward to it. Hope it gets better for you.
I like your blog. Found you through Mom Bloggers Club Follow Group. I'm now following and looking forward to reading more.
-->Knock on wood, my son is officially potty-trained. I think it was one of the worst phases to date and he's not even three yet.
Great pictures!
HOLY POTTY TRAINING, BATMAN! I swear to you, I could have written this exact same post! My daughter isn't having it. We've been trying for almost 2 months. She only wants to go when it's HER idea. If we ask her, she says no and absolutely REFUSES to go near the potty. I don't want to get to the bribery stage (you know, "I'll give you a golden brick if you just piss in the toilet"...) I've decided to just keep going like we are and I dream that one day she'll wake up, and a light bulb will go off next to her sandy blonde locks and then she'll just GET IT...
Cheers to you, Dummy Mom!
Have fun in Vegas too! I'll be there in 16 days :)))))))
His facial expressions are sooo cute!
Have fun in Vegas! (Always wanted to go there!!)
Potty training is one of the post trying phases. Hang in there, and enjoy your time away!
OMG—I know now is not the time to call your kid the cutest ever, particularly when he's causing a fuss on the potty, but boy is he a little cutie pie. He'd have to get sent packing, though, for peeing in corners... uh, uh, no sir!
(My little ones did this a couple times and I made them clean it up—I know, I know. But they stopped peeing on my floors, pronto! We potty trained them over a weekend by letting them walk around naked... I didn't believe it would work at first, but it worked like a charm! That and making them clean up whatever mess they made.)
Girl, enjoy Vegas!
He is just So SO so SO cute it is ridiculous! Have fun in Vegas! I am excited for you!
I hate potty training, and I'm not looking forward to it again.
Potty Training is the ninth ring of Hell. I'm with you.
i hv to say i know it's frustrating, but this post is plain funny.
i hv to say i love his little fuzzy hair!!!
I freakin love the last three pictures. Only moms can get away with posting potty pictures of their kids. It's just not the same when the husband makes the same faces...right? LOL
gotta to love his hair though
Good Idea....I've found taking breaks from it helps in the long run!
I am interested to see how it goes. Obviously, you've potty-trained a boy before. I have potty-trained three girls...it was a breeze. I am terrified of potty-training my son, though. Thankfully, I have another 15 months before I'll seriously think about getting serious. Everyone scares me so much about potty-training boys...they say it is so hard! Is it?
Priceless expressions! And potty training woes are the worst! I'm dealing with it myself. My boy is three and a half. He wears a size 6 Luvs...his next step is Depends for crying out loud.
I'm with ya...
I didn't like those days of potty training. And I am dreading going through it with my daughter.
Girl, I'm in exactly the same urine-and-feces-saturated boat. I can't WAIT until Cameron is potty trained ... especially since I've got TWO in diapers now!
LOL! I remember the days!
At least you can get him on the potty. My second daughter calls it the "Yuch" and is so grossed out by it that I can't get her to sit on it at all.
Oh man Im not looking forward to training the youngest...and the day is a comin' soon!
He is adorable even when he's upset! lol My toddler is potty training too and also has these "false alarms" that only she knows are false. :o) Vegas? Are you going with Sassy Chica?
I feel your pain!!! We are potty training too!!
Almost the same story at my house. We've had a few successes, but mostly he's learned to use the whole notion of becoming potty trained just to f**k with me.
I haaaaate potty training, which is why I'm procrastinating a bit on training the 4th child.
My first 2 kids were both boys and they didn't train until they were 3 1/2. Hang in there. Just before you yank out your hair in frustration, he'll get it.
OMGosh... his facial expressions are PRECIOUS! {Except for the one that - only because he's actually sitting on the toilet - looks like he's constipated... well, really it's super cute too... just in a more *gross* sort of way...} Wow what a freakin cute little boy!! lol
Good luck to him in potty training!! haha
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