Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
I spent yesterday,
immersed in some poo.
Baby 3 stank,
had quite a ripe smell.
I think I was in
my own personal hell.
He pooped at the restaurant.
He pooped on the floor.
And after his nap,
he went poop some more.
Today must be better
it's all I can say.
'Cause if it's not
I'll hate Valentine's Day.
*For the record, #3 has chronic diarrhea and this incident is in no way isolated or acute. This should make you feel even more sympathetic for our situation b/c this means we are immersed in poop at least 3-4 days per week. It really stinks.
Yes, that does stink.. Love the pun!
Ah, poo! A frequent visitor in our house as well! You most certainly have my sympathy! I sure hope your Valentine's day didn't "stink"!
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